Well tonight gave us a answer but not the one many were hoping for or as being pointed out elsewhere makes sense.
Superman & Lois is not set on the same earth as Arrow,The Flash,Legends,Black Lightning,Batwoman and of course Supergirl.It's like Stargirl,Naomi and the upcoming Gotham Knights.General Lane in his speech to the twins says Superman is the only hero on their earth even though he knows of other earths with Leagues of heroes.
Yet that dosen't really fit with Diggle's appearance last season where he mentioned Oliver and Crisis or Diggle's appearance tonight where he while talking to John Henry and mentioned meeting him last year in that previous episode.Plus Diggle is sportign his exact look that he ad two weeks ago on The Flash.
What's fustrating is that we know this was NOT the original plan.Crisis set up Superman having two sons.Kara was supposed to be referenced via a photo in the series premiere that was shot and cut.Plus Superman & Lois was supposed to have a crossover with Batwoman pre-pandemic.Eric Wallace tried to get Tyler Hoechlin for Armageddon this season but scheduling prevented it(although since Wallace said Hoechlin promised to make a future appearance,now how does that work?Different Superman with his old Supergirl suit?)
As someone on twitter said,they took the lazy way.
Will post interviews that hit addressing this.
How Is Superman & Lois Connected to the Arrowverse? EP Sheds More Light on Finale's Long-Awaited Explanation
By Andy Swift / June 28 2022

Tuesday’s second season finale of Superman & Lois finally gave viewers an answer they’ve been waiting for — even if it wasn’t the answer they were expecting.
We’re talking about how exactly this show is connected to the larger Arrowverse, something that was addressed (albeit briefly) this week by General Lane. Mild finale spoilers ahead!
“I’ve been working for the DOD for a long time,” Sam told his grandsons. “I’ve seen things you would not believe — glimpses of other worlds, and the leagues of superheroes they have on them. And even though we only have your father on this planet, thank God that we do, because he’s the finest of any Earth.”
Speaking with TVLine, showrunner Todd Helbing acknowledges, “From Day 1, there were questions of how we were connected to the Arrowverse. If you go back to the first script that got sent to Warner Brothers and DC, it had a lot of references to other heroes like The Flash. There were moments when we were shooting, and I think I’ve said this before, but there was a photo of Kara on Lois’ desk at the Daily Planet. All of that stuff got slowly pulled out, and the more we did that, the more it became a can of worms to even mention it.”
So, why didn’t we get this big speech sooner?
“DC and I had a conversation during Season 1, and the decision [to keep Superman & Lois separate] was made then, but I couldn’t make it public until the end of this season,” Helbing explains. “So when I got all these questions [in previous interviews], I knew what we were doing, but I could never talk about it. It got a little frustrating on my end, but I totally understand DC’s position. So this put that to rest. I’ve said from the beginning that we want to put our own stamp on the Superman property. This wasn’t meant to alienate us from the Arrowverse, but because a lot of the other shows are sadly no longer going to be on the air, it felt like the right thing to do.”
While this Superman is aware of the multiverse, as established in Episode 7 of Season 1, “we have to think about this as a separate Superman, a doppelganger of the one who was in the Arrowverse,” Helbing says. “I understand why everyone has been wanting the references, but it would have felt wrong.”
(In other words, don’t hold your breath for any big crossovers in the near future. Or ever.)
As for the John Diggle we saw at the end of the Season 2 finale, he’s also — you guessed it — not the same Diggle that spent eight seasons kicking butt on Arrow.
“This is also a new Diggle,” Helbing confirms. “David Ramsey had grown a beard and grew his hair out. He called me and said, ‘I’ve been growing my hair, I look different. Do you want me to shave and get a haircut?’ So not to add more confusion to it, but he’s a different Diggle.” (Click here for more intel on the finale.)
Was this the explanation you were expecting? Grade the finale and season of Superman & Lois below, then drop a comment with your thoughts.
I don't get why it is a can of worms to mention Kara or the other shows when the other shows had no problem mentioning Superman.
Also,the Diggle explanation doesn't jive with his season 1 or appearance or why Diggle is sporting this same look on The Flash two weeks ago.
Now, the Diggle moment, I’m still confused. What are you setting up there? Is this the Justice U. thing or is this something that you’re looking to do in the show next season?
Well, what we really wanted to do is just basically tee up one of the villains, Bruno Manheim. And also, the stuff that we had Diggle do and say in Season 1… I couldn’t be up front with the audience until this episode about how we’re connected to the Arrowverse or not connected. And so we had to very carefully have him say things that could be presented as one way but the real reason is a different thing. So yeah, no, it was really just to set up Bruno and to sort of cement that this guy is a different Diggle than the Diggle that was in Arrow. This is our Earth’s version of Diggle, he got presented with the green box and everything he said in Season 1 is true. There’s been an Oliver Queen who died. There were other heroes, but there was nobody with superpowers except for Superman. And he’s the only superpowered person on this planet other than Jordan right now.
Then you send Lucy off to Metropolis, and we know from Supergirl that Lucy was in Metropolis.
Yeah. So the best way to think about this is that some of the characters are doppelgangers, some aren’t. Right? So General Lane clearly isn’t. Lucy is. Diggle is. You may see other people that are. But they’re all different versions of them. Just like how John Henry came from a different planet where there is a bad Kal-El, it’s the same sort of idea.
Again I call bull *bleep* on this and lazy.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Superman & Lois Showrunner Breaks Down Season 2 Finale
The Flash Podcast: So we get the big confirmation that Superman & Lois takes place on another Earth, and I know a lot of Arrowverse fans will have questions about this so can you talk about what led to this decision?
Todd Helbing: Originally, if you look at the original script – I think it’s online somewhere – there are a lot of references to Crisis, with Clark and his family because of it. We went from having one infant to two teenage boys, that was a huge part of it. But it’s just felt like, it was opening a can of worms and and required so much explanation to, someone like, let’s say my mom, a new audience member, that it wasn’t going to play in the way that we originally intended. So Greg [Berlanti,] and I, along with The CW, Warner Bros. and DC, we just started to pull all those references out. There even was in episode two, there was a picture of Kara with the two of them at the barn from the crossovers. They just slowly for whatever reason got pulled out.
Then I had a conversation with DC, in season 1 about this, there was a desire to put our own stamp on the Superman mythology and just have it be able to function on its own. But the more we got through season 1 and the end of the season 2, it’s just felt more honest to not have it be on the same planet. I think when all the other shows were on at the same time, it was easier to do references like The Flash in Central City and Supergirl in National City. But for our show, like our big bads became so huge, and there’s no way like, having two worlds merging, but everybody won’t be there. Unfortunately, now that these other shows are no longer going to be on the air, it just didn’t feel like it was gonna be rewarding. I’m sure there’s gonna be some fans out there that are upset. I totally understand, but I think the decision was just made to keep our show on a different planet and do the best we can.
The Flash Podcast: Do you have an idea in your head canon what this world’s Supergirl is like? Whether she would be played by Melissa Benoist or someone else – although we would obviously love to see Melissa, – do you sort of know what and where she would be in this world?
Todd Helbing: Yeah, it would not be the Supergirl from the Arrowverse, it would be our version so we would invent a new backstory for her. The same way that we did with with Lucy, General Lane, and John Diggle, he same way with John Diggle. they may be their doppelganger and they may look exactly the same. But it would be a completely different story.
The Flash Podcast: Despite this reveal, fans always hope for a crossover between Superman and The Flash, especially before the latter ends its run, what can you speak about that?
Todd Helbing: The pandemic sort of like just made it virtually impossible of doing that. But like I say this all time I love Grant Gustin. Clearly, I’m connected to all the cast there and Eric Wallace is a friend of mine. So that would be a lot of fun. So it’s just sort of depends on if there is a real desire from everybody to do it, But those conversations are initiated by people a lot higher than me, so we’ll see what happens. I’m certainly would not be opposed to have The Flash on our show.[/i]
So Superman & Lois could have it's own version of Supergirl that looks like Melissa(like Lucy and Diggle ) or not(like Sam Lane and Morgan Edge).
As someone who likes Superman & Lois,I have to say,I feel really turned off right now.I'm still watching the show but I get why some are sayinjg they are dropping it due to this.I feel my enthusiasm for the show took a hit tonight too especially knowing this was not the original plan for the series.
KRYPTONSITE’S CRAIG BYRNE: At what point was it decided that Superman & Lois was not happening on the same “Earth-Prime” as The Flash, Supergirl and several of the other DC shows?
TODD HELBING: Discussions were had in Season 1 with DC, so I knew that that was the way that we were gonna go, but I was asked not to reveal that to the public until the end of Season 2. So you know, it was two seasons of questions about it, with fans getting more and more frustrated – which is completely understandable – but it just felt like for our show, and particularly now, with shows unfortunately ending, it seemed like the best decision, to have Superman & Lois on its own Earth.
Does this mean that the versions of Clark and Lois that we saw on the crossovers are still there on another Earth?
I hate that they are also using the excuse of shows ending also playing a part in this decision.