Superman & Lois EP Teases Supergirl/Arrowverse "Answer" This Season
Posted on April 3, 2022 by Ray Flook
Considering that The CW's Tyler Hoechlin & Elizabeth Tulloch-starring Superman & Lois has its backstory roots deeply entrenched in the Arrowverse, a number of fans have been wondering why the show hasn't been embracing its connections to Supergirl (especially considering the family connections with Melissa Benoist's Kara), The Flash, Batwoman, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and others. In the past, the creative team has stressed the importance of giving Superman & Lois a chance to build itself up as its own series first before branching out to other shows. And then the pandemic reportedly scrapped a number of potential crossover plans. But at this weekend's WonderCon 2022, series showrunner & EP Todd Helbing dropped a ten-ton hint at the end of a panel Q&A that also included Hoechlin and Tulloch. When asked jokingly by the host if Lois & Clark could at least get a text from Kara as a way of getting to the bigger issue at hand, Helbing conceded that the two reasons we just went over were big factors. But then the clouds shifted as Helbing teased that some clarity may be on the way… and sooner than viewers think. "I'll just say that at the end of this season [Season 2], you'll get the answer to the questions that you guys have." Hmmm… will this "answer" be specific to Superman & Lois or does it speak to much bigger Arrowverse plans that are in play?

Here's the full panel.
The Supergirl question is at the very end of the panel.Start at the 43:00 minute mark